Adventure time!

I got my luggage ready a week ago, and now that I am about to leave, I start to feel the nerves. I left El Paso with a hot and dry weather, and came to a rainy day in Houston, which has come as a blessing from the skies, but my hair is still getting used to it. I meet my roommate Evelyn, which is in the NEWT program as well, and we went to eat at the South servery, and got our meal cards and keys to our room. Evelyn is from El Paso, but she studies at ASU. I am really exited to start this adventure, and get to know the laboratory were I will be working, and the people with whom I will be working with. I am trilled and ready to step out of my comfort zone, and get the most out of this amazing experience.

“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” -Brian Tracy-

The flight

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