This internship has moved way to fast, it is hard to believe that we only have about 4 more week left until we leave. Its even harder to believe that we have to finish our research in that time as well. So far both of my projects have come a long way since I have been here and they just keep building. So far as part of my Mechanical Project we are almost done with the fabrication of the skid. I think we could have been done since last week but parts have been getting here very slowly. As of today everything is sitting in our lab and is waiting to be screwed, zip-tied, and drilled on to the framework of our product. The only thing that I am dreading at this point is figuring out the configuration of the solar module and connecting everything correctly. I have been reading the manual as closely as I can and so far I feel like once I start connecting the solar panel I feel like I will know what to do. We should be done with the fabrication by today or tomorrow, and the rest of the week will involve us commissioning the whole system. Commissioning, will help us see if all the part are working so when we start testing next week nothing goes wrong.
As for my Computational project, my program is processing data. I have only recorded one set of data points, and I hope to run more this week. So far the changeable parameter in this project are the the flow of water coming in from the permeate and the feed side of the MD module, the feed temperature, and the length of the module. The purpose of the computational model is to test certain geometries of MD modules, and which ever geometry that works the best will be built. In doing this it allows to build one or two good real models than building several through trial and error.
Like each of my projects I have been trying to take the most out of this trip as possible. This weekend a group of us went to NASA-Johnson Space Center, as well as the Holocaust Museum, and the Museum of Fine Arts. And the weekend before that we went to the Houston Ballet where we saw Giselle, and went to the Galleria mall. Every stop we have made in Houston has been very memorable and fun, these next couple of week we want to go to the beach as well as the Natural Science Museum. Four weeks left and i’m planning every second of it, can’t wait till next week to tell you about my progress.